July 8, 2009 at 2:26am

MJJ I say I love you man, I see you now to your greater place, I see you full of strength peace and most of all I see you Whole & Complete.
Your walk on this earth was not in vein and you have been immortalized in many ways and will be the greatest entertainer that walked the earth realm. I am proud to be a part of such greatness and this moment in time.
I have loved you and your music since I can remember - your words and powerful lyrics have always made a mark in me and with me. I have shared with you in your battles, your tears, your fears, your tribulations, your sorrow, your laughter and I stood sure footed that GOD would restore the peace/love that you worked so hard to share and awaken in the world. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being MJJ and coming forth and taking the journey you did to make this world a better place. So I sit here with a smile, a tear and yet I know who's Bad and I will continue to look at the man in the mirror and make good changes.
In your transition I pray the world will grow up even the more so ... You have done a great job and I will truly miss getting to hang out with you in person so to speak but I will visit you in other dimensions as I am allowed. Continue to do great works in your new form ... (perfect), now rest my brother.
I embrace you and let you go as you must, for we had for a time in body and today I say to you be free my LOVE.
I Am Rob