October 27, 2010 at 3:01am
Sitting here all alone so it seemed I read another post today of another person taking their life ... feeling hopeless, unloved, rejected, cast away so much for one to deal with they thought ...
Then my heart filled with overwhelming compassion...
Thoughts swirling around inside of what could be done to break this spirit of hopelessness … thinking of what could push one so far....
How and what could I do to be that beacon of light to offer hope for one who's heart has grown dim?
Perhaps to just lend an ear, offer a hug, give off a warm loving smile just a bit of what could be done.
I searched myself for a moment identifying with experiences of bullying, feelings of being alone, the awful feeling of rejection and then I, I paused for a moment and Stopped!!!
I then gave thanks for my life.
I remember in the past I fought back, sometimes shed tears but deep inside I knew I had a reason for being Me.
I held on when all hell broke loose, I held on when the day turned to night and it seemed so long, I sometime took the long walk around the outside to avoid the pain of taking the short route inside where those haters and ignorant ones would be standing and bumping their gums... yes I did … but I carried on step by step day by day.
In my pressing on I have grown in many ways ... yeah some days I experience and array of emotions but I have grown.
I give thanks for learning and having an ever evolving relationship with God, my Source, my Creator that unseen yet seen energy that lives within me giving me life.
I know I am young, gifted and that's a fact ... we all have treasures within even you, you and you.... Everyone is special in his or her own way, always know this truth.
My prayer and word is that we hold on until the war is over ... there are days the rain will come but the sun is sure to shine hold on ... People hold on you've got to be strong ...
Find someone whom you can share with, write it out, dance it out, shout it out, live it out ...
LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL no matter what! ... there is hope and there is a brighter day for you....
In this life we have we can make whatever we want:for
Destiny is not left up to chance but it is a matter of CHOICE ... Make a choice today.
I send much love and I lend my ear for those that would choose to come near fear not ... I am here ... to offer my experience, my strength, my knowledge, a hug, a smile or a note I typed ... to give you strength to carry on .... Life is Beautiful, live it to the fullest and enjoy every moment of it for it is your divine right and it is a CHOICE we make...
I give thanks that these few words may be of a help in your life experience. I send them out so that they would touch the hearts and minds of everyone and continue to break the spirit of suicide, to break the spirit of hopelessness and bring life, to bring strength and to give that needed push or boast to carry on...
If you would like to share feel free to do so if you would like to speak more ... send me a message

c/o written 2:46 am
Peace & Grace
I Am Master Rob